
Tomas takes the secret staircase back down into the Slippery Shanty! A meeting with Captain Delmar Silverfish, a mysterious postcard written to "Dear Mim," and a rambling conversation meant to "Frankenstein An Answer."

More about Slumberland at this link.

Captain Delmar Silverfish performed by Catty Donnelly
visit Catty's website!

This Slumberland performance of The Flaming Carrot's poetry comes with apologies to Bob Burden.

Music by The F_cked Up Beat appears courtesy the creative commons license CC BY-SA 4.0
Purchase this music at Bandcamp
Schizophrenic Trees / a storm
from the album "Threnodies for Schizophrenic Seas"

Stop it! You're Killing Me! was a music project by Izmir, Turkey artist Murat, who sadly passed far too soon.
The song "iki balerin gibi uctuk ve hayatlarimizi kurtardik" appears here as a tribute to Murat's work.

Music sourced from the Free Music Archive
Music by Blue Dot Sessions: Chevy Bolero, Three Stories
creative commons license (CC BY-NC)

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: martinimeniscus, speedygonzo, noyo, cuddlenucks, luvdabubsnfeet, kimkreuzwieser, davidjgurney, klankbeeld, nightflame, genel, madcowzack, craigsmith, p4athenam16, topschool, kyles, clearwavsound, tiaan123, rempen, trp, odilonmarcenaro, everythingsounds, kgoff32ds, synthxperiments, ahriik, matthewkevans, cgeffex, and timbre.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_121_Frankenstein_An_Answer.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:13am EDT

Tomas Anonymous notices the name "Mimsey" appearing many times in the dream journals written by Corbin Corvus. Then Tomas investigates the "Corbin and Mimsey Love Letters." Answers are elusive and mysteries deepen.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Music sourced from the Free Music Archive
Music by Blue Dot Sessions: Chevy Bolero creative commons license (CC BY-NC)

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: amholma, x3nus, and christmaskrumble666.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_120_Corbin_and_Mimsey_An_Uncanny_Correspondence.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:29pm EDT

A dream journal entry left by Corbin Corvus and an audio diary entry left by Thomas Edward M. Tomas Anonymous ponders the thematic similarities in these two tales involving subterranean robotic canine creatures.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Music sourced from the Free Music Archive
Music by Blue Dot Sessions: Chevy Bolero, Drensel, Smulbrod, Snotop, TK Club, TK Shell. creative commons license (CC BY-NC)

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: pushkin, gmarchisio, splicesound, netpunk, cryanrautha, pp87, amholma, scogs, wlabarron, tosha73, mwsfx, ilmari, newlocknew, fmaudio, and joedeshon.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_119_Corbins_Cabin_DOGGOS.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:21pm EDT

It's time for yet another gut-chilling adventure!
They Came From Beneath Somebody's Garage!
Tomas and Rupert perform a dramatized dream selected from Corbin Corvus's journals.

More about Slumberland at this link.

This story is adapted from the comic book "Fission Chicken: They Came From Beneath Somebody's Garage" by JP Morgan, published in 1988

Music sourced from the Free Music Archive
Music by Blue Dot Sessions: Chevy Bolero, Code Entry, Cross Purposes, Germanius, Grey Hat, Offset Edge and Runerode Ruller.
creative commons license (CC BY-NC)

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: waveadventurer, greenhourglass, erdie, sengjinn, felix-blume, mzui, yuval, qubodup, greekirish, klankbeeld, paul368, mshahen, epicwizard, momedelport, stormwaveaudio, nichols8917, apallot, marissrar, jgrzinich, ogsoundfx, soundholder, jjdg, kyles, brunoboselli, ludwigmueller, florianreichelt, sheyvan, xilthcom, rutgemuller, historicode97, bitlab_coop, bikensbassboi, fmaudio, nox_sound, newlocknew, ralphwhitehead, secondbody, theplax, geoff-bremnder-audio, lowpolygon, silvenillusionist, pnmcarrierailf, siyaam, napirfreesound, alexandema, mryellolarva, newlocknew, modin204, samscollegeaccount, robinhood76, and junbw.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_118_Corbins_Cabin_They_Came_From.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:48pm EDT

In which Tomas Anonymous visits Corbin's cabin and discovers what Corbin left behind.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Music by Blue Dot Sessions

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: ripper351, cosmicembers, keweldog, cower, adriann, anthousai, amholma, straget, jomse, pax1!, funwithsound, timkahn, lydmakreren, georgehopkins, 5ro4, everythingsounds, sagetytle, ethanssounds, and surrey_film.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_117_Corbins_Cabin_Fleabite.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:56am EDT

Tonight the Slippery Shanty is closed for a special reason. The box that plays mysterious music might be more important than Tomas imagined. An archivist from Ohio named Beckey Mountweazel has arrived in Slumberland to expertly examine the box.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Beckey Mountweazel performed by Kelsey Painter. Hire Kelsey for your voice project at fiverr

Songs by Fields Ohio appear courtesy the creative commons license CC BY-SA 4.0
Purchase Fields Ohio music at Bandcamp
Winter Séance in Linden // Interstate 70 Rain Chants // Hope Song for the Rust Belt // Paper Hearts in Youngstown
from the album "Our Paper Hearts Drift In Tunnels To Sleep In Little Boxes Under Ohia Seas"

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: noisecollector, ftpalad, keithpeter, echocinematics, incarnadine, duckduckpony, reitanna, ekfink, liamg, klankbeeld, nicola_ariutti, eipeiknip, amholma, dcelliott, rafaelpicoli, y3w_tree, soundholder, franciscopcoutinho, fission9, clusman, ahriik, anebulafont, triqystudio, xtyl33, joker313, benconcan, juskiddink.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_116_Mthuddhazulak_Machine.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:21pm EDT

The Slippery Shanty underground bar features a Shelf of Honor. On that shelf you'll find impressive objects like a one hundred year old bottle of bourbon. The shelf used to display Slumberland's Poetry Trophy, which is a man-fish statue with a curious history.

This episode's alternate title:
"Hem & Howie"
(American Authors Series, Volume 1)

More about Slumberland at this link.

Songs by Fields Ohio appear courtesy the creative commons license CC BY-SA 4.0
Purchase Fields Ohio music at Bandcamp
Winter Séance in Linden // Floating Down Iuka Ravine // Waltz Ohia // Lake Eerie Wolves // Always Dreaming of Sandusky Bay
from the album "Our Paper Hearts Drift In Tunnels To Sleep In Little Boxes Under Ohia Seas"

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: avakas, ahill86, victorcenusa, sithjawa, nlm, littlerobotsoundfactory, robinhood76, klankbeeld, eipeiknip, qpiee, farbin, kinoton, kev_durr, brianobush, devern, grd-music, jovica, bojan_t95, lydmakeren, tosha73, s-light, salilnair, audio_dread, drdufus, sinead_owi, somatik7, sagetyrtle, janneleimola, ambient-x, samram21, f3bbbo, glen_dorner, pogotron, tom_kaszuba, morganjbryan, jim-bretherick, universfield, jeseid77, A43, williew705.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_115_Big_Two-Hearted_Recycler.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:58pm EDT

What inspired Tomas Anonymous to create the metal cube sculpture titled "Coyote's Vox Box?" Tomas visits his sculpture in Slumberland's Memorial Garden while he tells this story, which involves a mysterious book known as The Acronymicon.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Songs by Fields Ohio appear courtesy the creative commons license CC BY-SA 4.0
Purchase Fields Ohio music at Bandcamp
Winter Séance in Linden // Down and Out On 9th and High //
from the album "Our Paper Hearts Drift In Tunnels To Sleep In Little Boxes Under Ohia Seas"

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: rutgemuller, aarongnp, rkeato, d-w, burnsie289, pagancow, sunboy, simpsi, hank_richard, mario1298, vumseplutten1709, mangiedog, abbahoot, dj-chronos, thebrendanbrown, sophiehall3535, hoerpspielwerkstatt-hef, inspectorj, marissrar, patobottos, waveplaysfx, australopithecusman, forthehorde68, 14gpanskavalachristoffer, jomse, emilzendera98, kyles, jovica, mike_leister, psychetorics, nox_sound, taure, nomiqbomi, kawgrim, messyacousticapocalypse666, sagetyrtle, rondomat, A43.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_114_The_Acronymicon.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:27am EDT

Tonight at the Slippery Shanty, Buddy Friday Junior and Tomas Anonymous try to help their pal Captain Delmar Silverfish. The Captain's in bad shape due to drinking a mysterious concoction known as "Fish Eye Serum." Buddy tells tales of his high seas adventures with Captain Silverfish and the origins of the mysterious drink.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Michael Lanier performs the role of Buddy Friday Junior and also performs the original shanty "Royal Blue Vinegaroons"
Please sing along using the lyrics included in these show notes!
And please listen to Michael's other music on

The drink recipe featured in this episode is courtesy of its author, Kaci Hansen "The Homicidal Homemaker."
Please please PLEASE visit the blog, and also try out Kaci's recipes!
Link to the Jelly Shot recipe!

Songs by Fields Ohio appear courtesy the creative commons license CC BY-SA 4.0
Purchase Fields Ohio music at Bandcamp
Winter Séance in Linden // Floating Down Iuka Ravine // Always Dreaming of Sandusky Bay // Lift the Tides Off of Ashland
from the album "Our Paper Hearts Drift In Tunnels To Sleep In Little Boxes Under Ohia Seas"

Royal Blue Vinegaroons
I'll tell you of a pirate crew
Who famously were all insane
Their sailing ship was made of anchors
They had a most peculiar name

Royal Blue Vinegaroons
The first mate was a trained baboon
They ate doubloons and drank spittoons
Royal Blue Vinegaroons

Them scalawags had hooks for hands
And some had wooden pegs for legs
Their captain had the worst prosthetic
He used a starfish for his head

Royal Blue Vinegaroons
A goofy crew of true buffoons
Their weapons were balloons and spoons
Royal Blue Vinegaroons

Royal Blue Vinegaroons
If they return it won't be soon
They got marooned upon the moon
Royal Blue Vinegarooooons!

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: barbamiz, julien-matthey, iwiploppenisse, slave2thelight, shorthopper, dzcozamanis, rivenile7 simosco, beansqueso31, bevibeldesign, tchild, mixtus, pflangian, inspectorj, stubb, straget, 14fpanska, solarphasing, juandamb, kiijaz, jentlemen, dersuperanton, amaud-coutancier, inchadney, kyles, nielsvdb, eyenorth, theresabtrits, phonosupf, bojan_t95, miksmusic, mincedbeats, owstu, h2p34, brunoboselli, newlocknew, strangehorizon, cmusounddesign, A43, twiggles.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_113_Slippery_Shanty_Fish_Eye_Serum.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:13am EDT

In the town of Slumberland there's a semi-secret underground bar called the Slippery Shanty. An establishment full of local lore and adult beverages. The background music you hear is comes from a small wooden box with a speaker. The box sits on a high shelf and seems innocent enough but there's something mysterious about the box. Its owner, Tomas Anonymous, tells the story of how he found this box.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Songs by Fields Ohio appear courtesy the creative commons license CC BY-SA 4.0
Purchase Fields Ohio music at Bandcamp
Winter Séance in Linden // Our Summer of '04 // Midnight In Glen Echo Hollow //
from the album "Our Paper Hearts Drift In Tunnels To Sleep In Little Boxes Under Ohia Seas"

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: kangaroovindaloo, felixblume, klankbeeld, revolt2563, cell31, szczur_banshee, caquet, joozz, tosha73, and jink82.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_112_Meh-Nah-Wha_Escarpments_vs_Scorpions.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:00pm EDT

You're invited down into the semi-secret underground bar located beneath the Supper Shack. An establishment full of local lore and adult beverages. The nominal proprietor is Captain Delmar Silverfish, but his current catatonic state prevents you from really getting to know the good captain, just yet. Something sinister could be involved, and it's up to Tomas Anonymous to sort it out with some help from Omar Evanston and Chip Woode.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Audio Tape Narrator performed by Catty Donnelly
visit Catty's website!

This Slumberland version of The Red Eye legend comes with apologies to Ben Edlund.

This Slumberland version of the Devo song "Red Eye Express" comes with apologies to Mark Mothersbaugh and Gerry Casale. This new version's music was produced by Kevin J Drieburg
Check out KJD's music and more here!

Songs by Fields Ohio appear courtesy the creative commons license CC BY-SA 4.0
Purchase Fields Ohio music at Bandcamp
Winter Séance in Linden // Floating Down Iuka Ravine // Always Dreaming of Sandusky Bay //
from the album "Our Paper Hearts Drift In Tunnels To Sleep In Little Boxes Under Ohia Seas"

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: dymewiz, jhooper, roganmcdougald, sethlind, sethroph, epicwizard, klankbeeld, michaelvelo, genviou, nagwense, airblock, 14panska, kijjaz, juanfg, craigsmith, bojan_t95, nemodaedalus, kyles, samram21, maxman727, pogotron, morganjbryan, jeseid77.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_111_Slippery_Shanty_The_Red_Eye.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:35pm EDT

The day before Thomas Edward M first arrived in Slumberland he recorded his conversation with Japhet Allergy, a strange man calling himself the "Ten Year Professor." This recording has never been shared before, but now it's part of Slumberland's Oral History Project, and you're welcome to hear it. You might also ask, "where do you see yourself in ten years?"

More about Slumberland at this link.

The music is "Dorothean" by Blue Dot Sessions, courtesy of Free Music Archive and a CC BY-NC license.

Professor Japhet Allergy performed by Jock Blaney
Voice-over Artist and vocalist of the band 2nu, whose spoken-word song "This Is Ponderous" charted in 1991

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: aldenroth2, genvious, y3w_tree, airblock, rodincoil, didi0508 and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_110_Ten_Year_Professor.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:07am EDT

It's time for the regional dog bikejoring race! Tomas Anonymous is your commentator, focusing on the two Slumberland residents competing in this year's race, which takes place on Slumberland Island. Only one dog / bicycle rider team can win first place, who will it be?

More about Slumberland at this link.

The song "More Than One Answer" is by the band Negativland, from their album Speech Free

Negativland's press release states: "As our marketing research suggests, these catchy tunes can work well for you as both new jingles and musical beds, perfectly suited for voiceovers discussing anything from commercial products to political campaigns. Most target audiences regularly indicate a preference for moderately subversive content and confusion, and you’ll find that this release provides that target with precisely the right amount of each. Because every second of Usable Music (TM) on this record has been personally guaranteed, by everyone still here in Negativland, to be Speech Free."

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: corsica-s, brettkux, inspectorj, astounded, and kyles.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_109_Celebrated_Joring_Dogs_Slumberland_Twp.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:59am EDT

Tomas Anonymous and Chip Woode snooped around inside Slumberland's Community Dome and got themselves into a pickle. The dome contains a room that nobody had gone inside for decades. At first glance it appears to be a sound recording studio booth of some sort. But the duo find themselves locked inside with a strange robot giving them instructions. Is this some kind of escape room? Not exactly; it's the Arcanery Sonic Studio 9000!

More about Slumberland at this link.

Chip Woode performed by Kevin J Drieberg
Check out KJD's music and more here!
KJD also composed the songs "Frequency x Vibration x Pitch" and the Arcanery Sonic Studio 9000 theme instrumental.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: pushkin, ninebilly, ccrev, kwahmah-02, guitarguy1985, sidequesting, and crunchymaniac.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_108_Arcanery_Sonic_Studio_9000-Robots.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:10am EDT

On the island town of Slumberland, a tower built from yellow bricks has stood for over a century. This structure is known as the "Lorem Lighthouse." A student named Elaina McElian just finished her research report about the lighthouse, and she's excited for you to hear it.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Elaina McElian performed by Alex Nursall, a director, writer, illustrator, and chronically sleepy person based out of Toronto. She is the co-creator/writer, director, and voice of Judith on the award-winning horror podcast Parkdale Haunt (, and is also the voice of Mairi on the D&D Actual Play podcast Dice Shame ( She is a commercial voice and casting director in her day-to-day life, and in her off time enjoys watching F1, hiking, and trying every interesting baked good Toronto has to offer.

Music by Blue Dot Sessions

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: juskiddink, ianoboe, chocchi, kyster, avakas, webbfilmsuk, zoltoks, marateresa, hazure, cylon8472, sirkoto51, vartian, inspectorj, opticaillusions, khenshom and joedeshon.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_107_Lorem_Lighthouse.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:11am EDT

Tomas drops what he's doing and leaves Slumberland Island when he receives a phone call from Homeland Security Officer, who says that Slumberland residents Omar Evanston and Chip Woode have been detained for questioning.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Chip Woode performed by Kevin J Drieberg
Check out his music and more here!

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: sonicfreak, gutek, jonathantremblay, cllari__owi, bouncyballblue, and kyster.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_106_Waiting_for_Lozar.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:14am EDT

Atlas Absurda is a podcast show hosted by Britte Thynoire, which explores unbelievably unique places around the world. In this episode Britte visits Slumberland Island to seek Ulip Uqbar, a man with a rare heritage. Ulip emigrated from the Principality of Hartania, which has been dubbed "the lost country" by those who research these sorts of things.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Britte Thynoire performed by Angela Yih
Angela is a creative force behind the audio drama podcast Residents of Proserpina Park.
Please dive into this wonderful show by visiting its website

Ulip Uqbar performed by Adrian Silas Kusambiza-Kiingi

Music by Blue Dot Sessions and Tim Clark

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: felixblume, swiftoid, tomoyo-ichijouji, smokingsound, jknitter, jamitch2, and kupp2.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_105_Atlas_Absurda_Hartania_Ulip_Uqbar.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:42am EDT

Some time ago, a freak thunderstorm hit the town of Slumberland, and local resident Omar Evanston vanished during the maelstrom. Now he's back, along with his great grand-nephew, hip-hop artist Chip Woode.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Chip Woode performed by Kevin J Drieberg
Check out his music and more here!

The song "Top Secret Flight of Apollo Squared" is by Kevin J Drieberg

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: davidjgurney.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_104_Non-Sequitur_Engine.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:09am EDT

Years ago, Thomas Edward M attended a live performance by a band called Peaking Lights. As usual, Thomas brought his recording equipment to the show. But his microphone captured more than he expected when a mysterious Russian "businessman" named Lozar approached him.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Lozar performed by Nicolás Esteban Lobos Opitz, aka estrolapak
Available for hire on fiverr!

The song "Marshmellow Yellow" is by Peaking Lights
You can hear their live music here!

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: davidjgurney and humansounds55.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_103_Lozar.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:26pm EDT

Years ago, Oskar Mielardeaux planned a big launch party for the brand of exotic coffee he owns. But a certain amphibian and two special guest DJs made the event unforgettable for Tomas Anonymous. Tomas presents this recording as part of the town's Oral History Project, which he inherited after Thomas Edward M's disappearance.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The songs "Porky Pig" and "Kitty Takes a Ride (Kitty Mix Up)" are by The Bran Flakes
Please purchase Bran Flakes music here!

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: gchase and zesoundresearchinc.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_102_Sip_Zip_Bran_Flakes.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:43am EDT

Years ago, Slumberland was visited by Chimney Crow, a band from Michigan. At the town's Supper Shack one night, Chimney Crow performed music for a local crowd. Tomas Anonymous presents this recording as part of the town's Oral History Project, which he inherited after Thomas Edward M's disappearance.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The songs "Maggots" and "Band Meeting" are by Chimney Crow
Please purchase Chimney Crow music at bandcamp!

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: juskiddink, arnaud-coutancier, inspectorj, zeinel, and strikewhistler

And thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_101_Supper_Shack_Chimney_Crow.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:04pm EDT

A period of time has passed since the Coyote Club meeting. The sound recordings of Thomas Edward M are not yet available to present what happened when the residents of Slumberland bravely journeyed to the haunted beach and confronted Badamo's ghost, the Sandy Specter.

Tonight, all are invited to attend the latest presentation of The Bed Bug! Slumberland's ongoing showcase of poetry, song and spoken word. A wonderful group of talented performers will entertain tonight. Ella Minnow Pierce will ensure the show runs smoothly, and special guest Tomas Anonymous will serve as master of ceremonies.

Everyone hopes a surprise guest two will make an appearance!

More about Slumberland at this link.


Jessica Syratt
Theater performer and creator of "Nowhere, On Air" audio drama podcast
Returning to perform the role of Ella Minnow Pierce and also "Sophia's Song"

Debra Harrison-Lowe
Film performer
Returning to perform the role of Oblivia Newton-Baum, a character Debra first voiced in 2014

David Tamulevich
Founding member of the folk music group Mustard's Retreat
Performing an original song adaption of the 1889 poem "Wynken, Blynken and Nod" by Eugene Field

Danielle Timmins
Voice over artist
Returning to perform the role of Flance Fleesel

Jacquelyn Landgraf
Performer, creator of "It Makes A Sound" podcast series
Jacquelyn performs the role of Kenbrooke Pierce and the poem "Thou dusky spirit of the wood" by Henry David Thoreau

George Sanger AKA The Fat Man
Award-winning composer and musician
Mr. Sanger performs an unreleased original song, "Which Way Does the Smoke Blow"

Mild Wild
Music group based in Florida
"Sounds composed freely and recorded straight to tape. Drenched in reverb and filled with half thoughts."
Mild Wild performs the song "Alright Okay"

Thomas R. Mansell
Cowboy poet
Returning to perform the role of Merlin Jebb, reading the cowboy poem "Boomer Johnson" by Henry Herbert Knibbs

Kat Hoil
Voice performer
Kat performs the role of Taos Woman

Jock Blaney
Voice-over Artist, vocalist of the band 2nu, whose spoken-word song "This Is Ponderous" charted in 1991
Returning to perform as Max MacGillicutty, a character Jock first voiced in 2018

Marissa Conniff
Stage and voice performer
Returning to perform as Beckett Pierce, a character Marissa first voiced in 2015, and performs the poem "The Hunting of the Snark" by Lewis Carroll

Abby Sher
Performer and author
Abby performed a character in a stage adaptation of Daniel Pinkwater's 1982 novel "The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death"
Performing an original song in the persona of Penny

Jacquie Floyd
Actor, voice artist, playwright
Performing the role of Vestigula Uridium, her third character role on Slumberland since 2014

Jeff Nicholson
Comic book writer, artist and self-publisher
Known for his works Ultra Klutz, Through the Habitrails, Father & Son, and Colonia
Co-creator and co-performer of the original 1982 audio skit "Reality Hopping"

Jeff Priskorn
Actor, voice artist, improviser, writer, singer, musician
Performing the song "Wonder" with his 90s band, Intense Silence. Jeff's first Slumberland performance was in 2014

Elsie Escobar
Podcaster and voice actor
Performing the role of Chrysanthemum Jones, a character Elsie first voiced in 2014, performing the poem "Barata de calaveras" by José Guadalupe Posada

Petunia-Liebling MacPumpkin
20th Century Ghost and storyteller of strange tales from the past, future and present
Petunia performs the song "Crawlspace"

Catty Donnelly
Voice over artist
Catty performs the role of Bosco Tomnus, the third Slumberland character Catty has performed since 2020

David P. Gray
Creator of PC games
David shares material from his 1990 game "Hugo's House of Horrors" as the basis for a poem performed by a robot

Michael Lanier
Pianist, guitarist, banjoist, autoharpist, jaw harpist, ukeist, mandolinist, psalterist, dulcimist, bassist, thereminist, violinist
Michael performs the role of Farmer Friday, Junior and an original song adaption of the 1885 poem "Land of Nod" by Robert Louis Stevenson

Sarah Suboski
Sarah performed the role of Wencil Pierce in 2014 and Sarah's performance is re-used in the Bed Bug episode

Music by Blue Dot Sessions
This episode pays tribute to the musical genius and memory of Hardy Fox

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: izkhanilov, leo153_100, gchase, kupp2, tomycatts, inspectorj, jvmorello, gchase, unchaz, kywr, alexmurphy53, jayfrosting, giddster, rvgerxini, neilraouf, j-zazvurek, georgesavic, tonywhitmore, richwise, shneak, littleboot, kyles, funwithsound, tosha73, cornwallis89, epicwizard, dkustic, connorm94, thewebbster, vartian, klankbeeld, moulaythami, fredbjammin, lchapman1980, joedeshon, tenkism, garuda1982, sandermotions, leo153, unfa, tim-kahn, xtyl33, processaurus, ch0cchi, fats-million, magedu, joedeshon, kinoton, zembacraftworks, lartti, guitarguy1985, tomlija, satoration, kwahmah, timbre, theshaggyfreak, forthehorde68, m1rk0, alexmurphy53, dspeight, shelbyshark, breviceps, and Jovica.

And thank YOU you for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_100_Bed_Bug_Part_5.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:28am EDT

A period of time has passed since the Coyote Club meeting. The sound recordings of Thomas Edward M are not yet available to present what happened when the residents of Slumberland bravely journeyed to the haunted beach and confronted Badamo's ghost, the Sandy Specter.

Tonight, all are invited to attend the latest presentation of The Bed Bug! Slumberland's ongoing showcase of poetry, song and spoken word. A wonderful group of talented performers will entertain tonight. Ella Minnow Pierce will ensure the show runs smoothly, and special guest Tomas Anonymous will serve as master of ceremonies.

Everyone hopes a surprise guest two will make an appearance!

More about Slumberland at this link.


Jessica Syratt
Theater performer and creator of "Nowhere, On Air" audio drama podcast
Returning to perform the role of Ella Minnow Pierce and also "Sophia's Song"

Debra Harrison-Lowe
Film performer
Returning to perform the role of Oblivia Newton-Baum, a character Debra first voiced in 2014

David Tamulevich
Founding member of the folk music group Mustard's Retreat
Performing an original song adaption of the 1889 poem "Wynken, Blynken and Nod" by Eugene Field

Danielle Timmins
Voice over artist
Returning to perform the role of Flance Fleesel

Jacquelyn Landgraf
Performer, creator of "It Makes A Sound" podcast series
Jacquelyn performs the role of Kenbrooke Pierce and the poem "Thou dusky spirit of the wood" by Henry David Thoreau

George Sanger AKA The Fat Man
Award-winning composer and musician
Mr. Sanger performs an unreleased original song, "Which Way Does the Smoke Blow"

Mild Wild
Music group based in Florida
"Sounds composed freely and recorded straight to tape. Drenched in reverb and filled with half thoughts."
Mild Wild performs the song "Alright Okay"

Thomas R. Mansell
Cowboy poet
Returning to perform the role of Merlin Jebb, reading the cowboy poem "Boomer Johnson" by Henry Herbert Knibbs

Kat Hoil
Voice performer
Kat performs the role of Taos Woman

Jock Blaney
Voice-over Artist, vocalist of the band 2nu, whose spoken-word song "This Is Ponderous" charted in 1991
Returning to perform as Max MacGillicutty, a character Jock first voiced in 2018

Marissa Conniff
Stage and voice performer
Returning to perform as Beckett Pierce, a character Marissa first voiced in 2015, and performs the poem "The Hunting of the Snark" by Lewis Carroll

Abby Sher
Performer and author
Abby performed a character in a stage adaptation of Daniel Pinkwater's 1982 novel "The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death"
Performing an original song in the persona of Penny

Jacquie Floyd
Actor, voice artist, playwright
Performing the role of Vestigula Uridium, her third character role on Slumberland since 2014

Jeff Nicholson
Comic book writer, artist and self-publisher
Known for his works Ultra Klutz, Through the Habitrails, Father & Son, and Colonia
Co-creator and co-performer of the original 1982 audio skit "Reality Hopping"

Jeff Priskorn
Actor, voice artist, improviser, writer, singer, musician
Performing the song "Wonder" with his 90s band, Intense Silence. Jeff's first Slumberland performance was in 2014

Elsie Escobar
Podcaster and voice actor
Performing the role of Chrysanthemum Jones, a character Elsie first voiced in 2014, performing the poem "Barata de calaveras" by José Guadalupe Posada

Petunia-Liebling MacPumpkin
20th Century Ghost and storyteller of strange tales from the past, future and present
Petunia performs the song "Crawlspace"

Catty Donnelly
Voice over artist
Catty performs the role of Bosco Tomnus, the third Slumberland character Catty has performed since 2020

David P. Gray
Creator of PC games
David shares material from his 1990 game "Hugo's House of Horrors" as the basis for a poem performed by a robot

Michael Lanier
Pianist, guitarist, banjoist, autoharpist, jaw harpist, ukeist, mandolinist, psalterist, dulcimist, bassist, thereminist, violinist
Michael performs the role of Farmer Friday, Junior and an original song adaption of the 1885 poem "Land of Nod" by Robert Louis Stevenson

Sarah Suboski
Sarah performed the role of Wencil Pierce in 2014 and Sarah's performance is re-used in the Bed Bug episode

Music by Blue Dot Sessions
This episode pays tribute to the musical genius and memory of Hardy Fox

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: izkhanilov, leo153_100, gchase, kupp2, tomycatts, inspectorj, jvmorello, gchase, unchaz, kywr, alexmurphy53, jayfrosting, giddster, rvgerxini, neilraouf, j-zazvurek, georgesavic, tonywhitmore, richwise, shneak, littleboot, kyles, funwithsound, tosha73, cornwallis89, epicwizard, dkustic, connorm94, thewebbster, vartian, klankbeeld, moulaythami, fredbjammin, lchapman1980, joedeshon, tenkism, garuda1982, sandermotions, leo153, unfa, tim-kahn, xtyl33, processaurus, ch0cchi, fats-million, magedu, joedeshon, kinoton, zembacraftworks, lartti, guitarguy1985, tomlija, satoration, kwahmah, timbre, theshaggyfreak, forthehorde68, m1rk0, alexmurphy53, dspeight, shelbyshark, breviceps, and Jovica.

And thank YOU you for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_100_Bed_Bug_Part_4.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:45am EDT

A period of time has passed since the Coyote Club meeting. The sound recordings of Thomas Edward M are not yet available to present what happened when the residents of Slumberland bravely journeyed to the haunted beach and confronted Badamo's ghost, the Sandy Specter.

Tonight, all are invited to attend the latest presentation of The Bed Bug! Slumberland's ongoing showcase of poetry, song and spoken word. A wonderful group of talented performers will entertain tonight. Ella Minnow Pierce will ensure the show runs smoothly, and special guest Tomas Anonymous will serve as master of ceremonies.

Everyone hopes a surprise guest two will make an appearance!

More about Slumberland at this link.


Jessica Syratt
Theater performer and creator of "Nowhere, On Air" audio drama podcast
Returning to perform the role of Ella Minnow Pierce and also "Sophia's Song"

Debra Harrison-Lowe
Film performer
Returning to perform the role of Oblivia Newton-Baum, a character Debra first voiced in 2014

David Tamulevich
Founding member of the folk music group Mustard's Retreat
Performing an original song adaption of the 1889 poem "Wynken, Blynken and Nod" by Eugene Field

Danielle Timmins
Voice over artist
Returning to perform the role of Flance Fleesel

Jacquelyn Landgraf
Performer, creator of "It Makes A Sound" podcast series
Jacquelyn performs the role of Kenbrooke Pierce and the poem "Thou dusky spirit of the wood" by Henry David Thoreau

George Sanger AKA The Fat Man
Award-winning composer and musician
Mr. Sanger performs an unreleased original song, "Which Way Does the Smoke Blow"

Mild Wild
Music group based in Florida
"Sounds composed freely and recorded straight to tape. Drenched in reverb and filled with half thoughts."
Mild Wild performs the song "Alright Okay"

Thomas R. Mansell
Cowboy poet
Returning to perform the role of Merlin Jebb, reading the cowboy poem "Boomer Johnson" by Henry Herbert Knibbs

Kat Hoil
Voice performer
Kat performs the role of Taos Woman

Jock Blaney
Voice-over Artist, vocalist of the band 2nu, whose spoken-word song "This Is Ponderous" charted in 1991
Returning to perform as Max MacGillicutty, a character Jock first voiced in 2018

Marissa Conniff
Stage and voice performer
Returning to perform as Beckett Pierce, a character Marissa first voiced in 2015, and performs the poem "The Hunting of the Snark" by Lewis Carroll

Abby Sher
Performer and author
Abby performed a character in a stage adaptation of Daniel Pinkwater's 1982 novel "The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death"
Performing an original song in the persona of Penny

Jacquie Floyd
Actor, voice artist, playwright
Performing the role of Vestigula Uridium, her third character role on Slumberland since 2014

Jeff Nicholson
Comic book writer, artist and self-publisher
Known for his works Ultra Klutz, Through the Habitrails, Father & Son, and Colonia
Co-creator and co-performer of the original 1982 audio skit "Reality Hopping"

Jeff Priskorn
Actor, voice artist, improviser, writer, singer, musician
Performing the song "Wonder" with his 90s band, Intense Silence. Jeff's first Slumberland performance was in 2014

Elsie Escobar
Podcaster and voice actor
Performing the role of Chrysanthemum Jones, a character Elsie first voiced in 2014, performing the poem "Barata de calaveras" by José Guadalupe Posada

Petunia-Liebling MacPumpkin
20th Century Ghost and storyteller of strange tales from the past, future and present
Petunia performs the song "Crawlspace"

Catty Donnelly
Voice over artist
Catty performs the role of Bosco Tomnus, the third Slumberland character Catty has performed since 2020

David P. Gray
Creator of PC games
David shares material from his 1990 game "Hugo's House of Horrors" as the basis for a poem performed by a robot

Michael Lanier
Pianist, guitarist, banjoist, autoharpist, jaw harpist, ukeist, mandolinist, psalterist, dulcimist, bassist, thereminist, violinist
Michael performs the role of Farmer Friday, Junior and an original song adaption of the 1885 poem "Land of Nod" by Robert Louis Stevenson

Sarah Suboski
Sarah performed the role of Wencil Pierce in 2014 and Sarah's performance is re-used in the Bed Bug episode

Music by Blue Dot Sessions
This episode pays tribute to the musical genius and memory of Hardy Fox

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: izkhanilov, leo153_100, gchase, kupp2, tomycatts, inspectorj, jvmorello, gchase, unchaz, kywr, alexmurphy53, jayfrosting, giddster, rvgerxini, neilraouf, j-zazvurek, georgesavic, tonywhitmore, richwise, shneak, littleboot, kyles, funwithsound, tosha73, cornwallis89, epicwizard, dkustic, connorm94, thewebbster, vartian, klankbeeld, moulaythami, fredbjammin, lchapman1980, joedeshon, tenkism, garuda1982, sandermotions, leo153, unfa, tim-kahn, xtyl33, processaurus, ch0cchi, fats-million, magedu, joedeshon, kinoton, zembacraftworks, lartti, guitarguy1985, tomlija, satoration, kwahmah, timbre, theshaggyfreak, forthehorde68, m1rk0, alexmurphy53, dspeight, shelbyshark, breviceps, and Jovica.

And thank YOU you for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_100_Bed_Bug_Part_3.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:40pm EDT

A period of time has passed since the Coyote Club meeting. The sound recordings of Thomas Edward M are not yet available to present what happened when the residents of Slumberland bravely journeyed to the haunted beach and confronted Badamo's ghost, the Sandy Specter.

Tonight, all are invited to attend the latest presentation of The Bed Bug! Slumberland's ongoing showcase of poetry, song and spoken word. A wonderful group of talented performers will entertain tonight. Ella Minnow Pierce will ensure the show runs smoothly, and special guest Tomas Anonymous will serve as master of ceremonies.

Everyone hopes a surprise guest two will make an appearance!

More about Slumberland at this link.


Jessica Syratt
Theater performer and creator of "Nowhere, On Air" audio drama podcast
Returning to perform the role of Ella Minnow Pierce and also "Sophia's Song"

Debra Harrison-Lowe
Film performer
Returning to perform the role of Oblivia Newton-Baum, a character Debra first voiced in 2014

David Tamulevich
Founding member of the folk music group Mustard's Retreat
Performing an original song adaption of the 1889 poem "Wynken, Blynken and Nod" by Eugene Field

Danielle Timmins
Voice over artist
Returning to perform the role of Flance Fleesel

Jacquelyn Landgraf
Performer, creator of "It Makes A Sound" podcast series
Jacquelyn performs the role of Kenbrooke Pierce and the poem "Thou dusky spirit of the wood" by Henry David Thoreau

George Sanger AKA The Fat Man
Award-winning composer and musician
Mr. Sanger performs an unreleased original song, "Which Way Does the Smoke Blow"

Mild Wild
Music group based in Florida
"Sounds composed freely and recorded straight to tape. Drenched in reverb and filled with half thoughts."
Mild Wild performs the song "Alright Okay"

Thomas R. Mansell
Cowboy poet
Returning to perform the role of Merlin Jebb, reading the cowboy poem "Boomer Johnson" by Henry Herbert Knibbs

Kat Hoil
Voice performer
Kat performs the role of Taos Woman

Jock Blaney
Voice-over Artist, vocalist of the band 2nu, whose spoken-word song "This Is Ponderous" charted in 1991
Returning to perform as Max MacGillicutty, a character Jock first voiced in 2018

Marissa Conniff
Stage and voice performer
Returning to perform as Beckett Pierce, a character Marissa first voiced in 2015, and performs the poem "The Hunting of the Snark" by Lewis Carroll

Abby Sher
Performer and author
Abby performed a character in a stage adaptation of Daniel Pinkwater's 1982 novel "The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death"
Performing an original song in the persona of Penny

Jacquie Floyd
Actor, voice artist, playwright
Performing the role of Vestigula Uridium, her third character role on Slumberland since 2014

Jeff Nicholson
Comic book writer, artist and self-publisher
Known for his works Ultra Klutz, Through the Habitrails, Father & Son, and Colonia
Co-creator and co-performer of the original 1982 audio skit "Reality Hopping"

Jeff Priskorn
Actor, voice artist, improviser, writer, singer, musician
Performing the song "Wonder" with his 90s band, Intense Silence. Jeff's first Slumberland performance was in 2014

Elsie Escobar
Podcaster and voice actor
Performing the role of Chrysanthemum Jones, a character Elsie first voiced in 2014, performing the poem "Barata de calaveras" by José Guadalupe Posada

Petunia-Liebling MacPumpkin
20th Century Ghost and storyteller of strange tales from the past, future and present
Petunia performs the song "Crawlspace"

Catty Donnelly
Voice over artist
Catty performs the role of Bosco Tomnus, the third Slumberland character Catty has performed since 2020

David P. Gray
Creator of PC games
David shares material from his 1990 game "Hugo's House of Horrors" as the basis for a poem performed by a robot

Michael Lanier
Pianist, guitarist, banjoist, autoharpist, jaw harpist, ukeist, mandolinist, psalterist, dulcimist, bassist, thereminist, violinist
Michael performs the role of Farmer Friday, Junior and an original song adaption of the 1885 poem "Land of Nod" by Robert Louis Stevenson

Sarah Suboski
Sarah performed the role of Wencil Pierce in 2014 and Sarah's performance is re-used in the Bed Bug episode

Music by Blue Dot Sessions
This episode pays tribute to the musical genius and memory of Hardy Fox

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: izkhanilov, leo153_100, gchase, kupp2, tomycatts, inspectorj, jvmorello, gchase, unchaz, kywr, alexmurphy53, jayfrosting, giddster, rvgerxini, neilraouf, j-zazvurek, georgesavic, tonywhitmore, richwise, shneak, littleboot, kyles, funwithsound, tosha73, cornwallis89, epicwizard, dkustic, connorm94, thewebbster, vartian, klankbeeld, moulaythami, fredbjammin, lchapman1980, joedeshon, tenkism, garuda1982, sandermotions, leo153, unfa, tim-kahn, xtyl33, processaurus, ch0cchi, fats-million, magedu, joedeshon, kinoton, zembacraftworks, lartti, guitarguy1985, tomlija, satoration, kwahmah, timbre, theshaggyfreak, forthehorde68, m1rk0, alexmurphy53, dspeight, shelbyshark, breviceps, and Jovica.

And thank YOU you for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_100_Bed_Bug_Part_2.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:57pm EDT

A period of time has passed since the Coyote Club meeting. The sound recordings of Thomas Edward M are not yet available to present what happened when the residents of Slumberland bravely journeyed to the haunted beach and confronted Badamo's ghost, the Sandy Specter.

Tonight, all are invited to attend the latest presentation of The Bed Bug! Slumberland's ongoing showcase of poetry, song and spoken word. A wonderful group of talented performers will entertain tonight. Ella Minnow Pierce will ensure the show runs smoothly, and special guest Tomas Anonymous will serve as master of ceremonies.

Everyone hopes a surprise guest two will make an appearance!

More about Slumberland at this link.


Jessica Syratt
Theater performer and creator of "Nowhere, On Air" audio drama podcast
Returning to perform the role of Ella Minnow Pierce and also "Sophia's Song"

Debra Harrison-Lowe
Film performer
Returning to perform the role of Oblivia Newton-Baum, a character Debra first voiced in 2014

David Tamulevich
Founding member of the folk music group Mustard's Retreat
Performing an original song adaption of the 1889 poem "Wynken, Blynken and Nod" by Eugene Field

Danielle Timmins
Voice over artist
Returning to perform the role of Flance Fleesel

Jacquelyn Landgraf
Performer, creator of "It Makes A Sound" podcast series
Jacquelyn performs the role of Kenbrooke Pierce and the poem "Thou dusky spirit of the wood" by Henry David Thoreau

George Sanger AKA The Fat Man
Award-winning composer and musician
Mr. Sanger performs an unreleased original song, "Which Way Does the Smoke Blow"

Mild Wild
Music group based in Florida
"Sounds composed freely and recorded straight to tape. Drenched in reverb and filled with half thoughts."
Mild Wild performs the song "Alright Okay"

Thomas R. Mansell
Cowboy poet
Returning to perform the role of Merlin Jebb, reading the cowboy poem "Boomer Johnson" by Henry Herbert Knibbs

Kat Hoil
Voice performer
Kat performs the role of Taos Woman

Jock Blaney
Voice-over Artist, vocalist of the band 2nu, whose spoken-word song "This Is Ponderous" charted in 1991
Returning to perform as Max MacGillicutty, a character Jock first voiced in 2018

Marissa Conniff
Stage and voice performer
Returning to perform as Beckett Pierce, a character Marissa first voiced in 2015, and performs the poem "The Hunting of the Snark" by Lewis Carroll

Abby Sher
Performer and author
Abby performed a character in a stage adaptation of Daniel Pinkwater's 1982 novel "The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death"
Performing an original song in the persona of Penny

Jacquie Floyd
Actor, voice artist, playwright
Performing the role of Vestigula Uridium, her third character role on Slumberland since 2014

Jeff Nicholson
Comic book writer, artist and self-publisher
Known for his works Ultra Klutz, Through the Habitrails, Father & Son, and Colonia
Co-creator and co-performer of the original 1982 audio skit "Reality Hopping"

Jeff Priskorn
Actor, voice artist, improviser, writer, singer, musician
Performing the song "Wonder" with his 90s band, Intense Silence. Jeff's first Slumberland performance was in 2014

Elsie Escobar
Podcaster and voice actor
Performing the role of Chrysanthemum Jones, a character Elsie first voiced in 2014, performing the poem "Barata de calaveras" by José Guadalupe Posada

Petunia-Liebling MacPumpkin
20th Century Ghost and storyteller of strange tales from the past, future and present
Petunia performs the song "Crawlspace"

Catty Donnelly
Voice over artist
Catty performs the role of Bosco Tomnus, the third Slumberland character Catty has performed since 2020

David P. Gray
Creator of PC games
David shares material from his 1990 game "Hugo's House of Horrors" as the basis for a poem performed by a robot

Michael Lanier
Pianist, guitarist, banjoist, autoharpist, jaw harpist, ukeist, mandolinist, psalterist, dulcimist, bassist, thereminist, violinist
Michael performs the role of Farmer Friday, Junior and an original song adaption of the 1885 poem "Land of Nod" by Robert Louis Stevenson

Sarah Suboski
Sarah performed the role of Wencil Pierce in 2014 and Sarah's performance is re-used in the Bed Bug episode

Music by Blue Dot Sessions
This episode pays tribute to the musical genius and memory of Hardy Fox

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: izkhanilov, leo153_100, gchase, kupp2, tomycatts, inspectorj, jvmorello, gchase, unchaz, kywr, alexmurphy53, jayfrosting, giddster, rvgerxini, neilraouf, j-zazvurek, georgesavic, tonywhitmore, richwise, shneak, littleboot, kyles, funwithsound, tosha73, cornwallis89, epicwizard, dkustic, connorm94, thewebbster, vartian, klankbeeld, moulaythami, fredbjammin, lchapman1980, joedeshon, tenkism, garuda1982, sandermotions, leo153, unfa, tim-kahn, xtyl33, processaurus, ch0cchi, fats-million, magedu, joedeshon, kinoton, zembacraftworks, lartti, guitarguy1985, tomlija, satoration, kwahmah, timbre, theshaggyfreak, forthehorde68, m1rk0, alexmurphy53, dspeight, shelbyshark, breviceps, and Jovica.

And thank YOU you for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_100_Bed_Bug_Part_1.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:40am EDT

A period of time has passed since the Coyote Club meeting. The sound recordings of Thomas Edward M are not yet available to present what happened when the residents of Slumberland bravely journeyed to the haunted beach and confronted Badamo's ghost, the Sandy Specter.

Tonight, all are invited to attend the latest presentation of The Bed Bug! Slumberland's ongoing showcase of poetry, song and spoken word. A wonderful group of talented performers will entertain tonight. Ella Minnow Pierce will ensure the show runs smoothly, and special guest Tomas Anonymous will serve as master of ceremonies.

Everyone hopes a surprise guest two will make an appearance!

More about Slumberland at this link.


Jessica Syratt
Theater performer and creator of "Nowhere, On Air" audio drama podcast
Returning to perform the role of Ella Minnow Pierce and also "Sophia's Song"

Debra Harrison-Lowe
Film performer
Returning to perform the role of Oblivia Newton-Baum, a character Debra first voiced in 2014

David Tamulevich
Founding member of the folk music group Mustard's Retreat
Performing an original song adaption of the 1889 poem "Wynken, Blynken and Nod" by Eugene Field

Danielle Timmins
Voice over artist
Returning to perform the role of Flance Fleesel

Jacquelyn Landgraf
Performer, creator of "It Makes A Sound" podcast series
Jacquelyn performs the role of Kenbrooke Pierce and the poem "Thou dusky spirit of the wood" by Henry David Thoreau

George Sanger AKA The Fat Man
Award-winning composer and musician
Mr. Sanger performs an unreleased original song, "Which Way Does the Smoke Blow"

Mild Wild
Music group based in Florida
"Sounds composed freely and recorded straight to tape. Drenched in reverb and filled with half thoughts."
Mild Wild performs the song "Alright Okay"

Thomas R. Mansell
Cowboy poet
Returning to perform the role of Merlin Jebb, reading the cowboy poem "Boomer Johnson" by Henry Herbert Knibbs

Kat Hoil
Voice performer
Kat performs the role of Taos Woman

Jock Blaney
Voice-over Artist, vocalist of the band 2nu, whose spoken-word song "This Is Ponderous" charted in 1991
Returning to perform as Max MacGillicutty, a character Jock first voiced in 2018

Marissa Conniff
Stage and voice performer
Returning to perform as Beckett Pierce, a character Marissa first voiced in 2015, and performs the poem "The Hunting of the Snark" by Lewis Carroll

Abby Sher
Performer and author
Abby performed a character in a stage adaptation of Daniel Pinkwater's 1982 novel "The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death"
Performing an original song in the persona of Penny

Jacquie Floyd
Actor, voice artist, playwright
Performing the role of Vestigula Uridium, her third character role on Slumberland since 2014

Jeff Nicholson
Comic book writer, artist and self-publisher
Known for his works Ultra Klutz, Through the Habitrails, Father & Son, and Colonia
Co-creator and co-performer of the original 1982 audio skit "Reality Hopping"

Jeff Priskorn
Actor, voice artist, improviser, writer, singer, musician
Performing the song "Wonder" with his 90s band, Intense Silence. Jeff's first Slumberland performance was in 2014

Elsie Escobar
Podcaster and voice actor
Performing the role of Chrysanthemum Jones, a character Elsie first voiced in 2014, performing the poem "Barata de calaveras" by José Guadalupe Posada

Petunia-Liebling MacPumpkin
20th Century Ghost and storyteller of strange tales from the past, future and present
Petunia performs the song "Crawlspace"

Catty Donnelly
Voice over artist
Catty performs the role of Bosco Tomnus, the third Slumberland character Catty has performed since 2020

David P. Gray
Creator of PC games
David shares material from his 1990 game "Hugo's House of Horrors" as the basis for a poem performed by a robot

Michael Lanier
Pianist, guitarist, banjoist, autoharpist, jaw harpist, ukeist, mandolinist, psalterist, dulcimist, bassist, thereminist, violinist
Michael performs the role of Farmer Friday, Junior and an original song adaption of the 1885 poem "Land of Nod" by Robert Louis Stevenson

Sarah Suboski
Sarah performed the role of Wencil Pierce in 2014 and Sarah's performance is re-used in the Bed Bug episode

Music by Blue Dot Sessions
This episode pays tribute to the musical genius and memory of Hardy Fox

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: izkhanilov, leo153_100, gchase, kupp2, tomycatts, inspectorj, jvmorello, gchase, unchaz, kywr, alexmurphy53, jayfrosting, giddster, rvgerxini, neilraouf, j-zazvurek, georgesavic, tonywhitmore, richwise, shneak, littleboot, kyles, funwithsound, tosha73, cornwallis89, epicwizard, dkustic, connorm94, thewebbster, vartian, klankbeeld, moulaythami, fredbjammin, lchapman1980, joedeshon, tenkism, garuda1982, sandermotions, leo153, unfa, tim-kahn, xtyl33, processaurus, ch0cchi, fats-million, magedu, joedeshon, kinoton, zembacraftworks, lartti, guitarguy1985, tomlija, satoration, kwahmah, timbre, theshaggyfreak, forthehorde68, m1rk0, alexmurphy53, dspeight, shelbyshark, breviceps, and Jovica.

And thank YOU you for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_100_Bed_Bug_Credits.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:39am EDT

The special session of the Coyote Club proceeds with remote participation from Oskar Mielardeaux. Oskar relates a tale from his past involving a place called Neeble, a woman in a red dress, and a very auspicious camera.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Oskar Mielardeaux performed by Nick Sleeper. Hire Nick for your voice project at fiverr
Ella Minnow Pierce performed by Jessica Syratt
Follow Jessica Syratt on twitter “Nowhere, On Air”

Music by Blue Dot Sessions.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: izkhanilov, j1987, pierrecartoons1979, benboncan, inspectorj, airborne80, justinvoke, derjuli, shelbyshark, innorecords, chiara-arambarri, aerny, marcoconsoli and Jovica.


Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_099_SNAFU.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:39pm EDT

The members of Slumberland's mysterious Coyote Club gather to discuss strategies for ridding the town of a long-time danger: the Sandy Specter.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Scrapper Jo performed by Jenn Dupree
Ella Minnow Pierce performed by Jessica Syratt

Follow Jessica Syratt on twitter “Nowhere, On Air”

Music by Blue Dot Sessions and ROZKOL

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: connum, kevinkace, megaplenguin13, bewareofkites20, blouhond, husky70, drewkelly, jorickhoofd, hitrison, jmjeffries2, kessir, kwahmah-02, paulw2k, inspectorj, ranne-madsen, tbsounddesigns, bwarpus99, florianreichelt, sheyvan, samsterbirdies, soapuel, ienba, egomassive, erickbloem-200250, gronnie, rubenvvuuren, anrichcbs, aaontheonly, and Jovica.


Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_098_Scrapper_Jo.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:47am EDT

Delfina's Secret Oral History of the Del Becha's isn't complete without including a sound recording she took from a Special Intelligence Agent named Pooch Leyner. On his deathbed, "Poocho" reveals ominous details about the life and works of Doctor Heller Del Becha. Not to be outdone by Heller, Delfina wraps up her Secret Oral History with a summary of her own accomplishments and future goals.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Music by Blue Dot Sessions

This episode is dedicated to the career and memory of a fellow Eastern Michigan University staffer and roller coaster enthusiast, Marcello Truzzi.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: zeditez, timbahrij, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_097_Sparrow.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:01pm EDT

A virtual meeting via computer webcam reunites Thomas and his nemesis Delfina Del Becha. Delfina's decided it's time for Thomas to record her final additions to the Secret Oral History of the Del Bechas.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Delfina Del Becha performed by Kim Kreuzwieser
Special guest appearances by
Danielle Timmins as Flance Fleesel
Ivanna Maria Ochoa Varuzza as Zulmy López
Patrick McGinley as himself
Patrick hosts the amazing podcast framework radio. If you dig into his show archives you'll find a few contributions by Tom Mansell. Freesound Project contributor Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_096_Suffer_Ink_For_Dummies.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:25pm EDT

En route to see Jeepers, Thomas moves though Slumberland's subterranean tunnels. Along the way he bumps into Ella Minnow Pierce. He also reminisces about his youth, when he discovered a creepy video arcade game titled Witch's Tower.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Ella Minnow Pierce performed by Jessica Syratt

Follow Jessica Syratt on twitter “Nowhere, On Air”

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: adcbicycle, pagancow, thanvannispen, tim-kahn, mattwasser, ls, bsumusictech, treyc, timgormly, evinawer, deathbygeko, ludwigmueller, timbre, timbahrij, onlytheghosts, nanakisan, sweet-rip, sethlind, volvion, bdunis4, barkerspinhead, peacewaves, bastard-fish, amholma, robinhood76, boscoricardo17, cabled-mess, kinoton, someguy22, plutoniumisotop, inspectorj, myfox14, krnash, mrpagliara, screamstudio, pro-mudkip, soundholder, audiopapkin, euphrosyyn, tissman, tolerabledruid6, fupicat, nfsmaster821, ligtheningjimmy88, dorsidom, evreto, daelonfire, mrthenoronha, gecop, chiara-arambarri, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_095_Spacies.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:56pm EDT

Max MacGillicutty, the eccentric rich dude and quasi-resident of Slumberland, once again calls upon Thomas Edward M to sit with him, throw back a few, and listen to head-spinning yarns. The tales told this time around, center upon Max's ancestor in the 1860s. A man named Hexray Peeperman. Entrepreneur, war hero, inventor, and creator of "Notions and Fashions," a book which many consider to be the Sears and Roebuck of sword and sorcery. But it's best if Max explains what exactly that means.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Max MacGillicutty performed by Jock Blaney
Ella Minnow Pierce performed by Jessica Syratt

To experience more of Jock's astounding voice talent, visit and

Follow Jessica Syratt on twitter “Nowhere, On Air”

Music by Blue Dot Sessions

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: vartian, alex-fullam, postproddog, eeeeeeeeeeeeila, garuda1982, mattruthsound, opticaillusions, neospica, 16fthumaf, cmix, ericlichtenberg, vartian, inspectorj, michorvath, flechabr, anthousai, bastard-fish, onlytheghosts, apocbot, klankbeeld, richardemoore, adeluc4, ftpalad, thoschi, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_094_Sears_Roebuck_of_Sword_and_Sorcery.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:35am EDT

While Thomas is busy working on the oral history project, two residents of Slumberland enter the do-it-yourself recording booth. Their mission: to spread information about the man named Tango, who stole a "Del Becha tape" and then went missing.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Romeo performed by David Wills, AKA The Weatherman
This episode pays tribute to the talents and career of Richard Sala.

Music by Bluedark

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: jknitter, alexy621, klankbeeld, lebaston100, jpkweli, mrpeet, d-w, spenceomatic and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_093_Supplemental_6_Squatch_Dispatch.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:25pm EDT

A new day breaks and Thomas revisits the Slumberland Food Co-Op to meet Jeepers. Instead he chats with barista P.D. Singh, who has an extensive knowledge of breakfast cereal history.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Written, recorded and performed by Tom Mansell
P.D. Singh performed by Katabelle
Check out Katabelle's website!
Chrysanthemum Jones performed by Elsie Escobar
Elsie is a podcasting veteran and Libsyn's podcaster happiness expert, producing and hosting The Feed: The Official Libsyn Podcast
Libsyn Blog

Music by Vincent Sermonne and Tri-Tachyon

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: rico-casazza, sidequesting, plumforestpodcast, robbeman, toklant, jodybruchon, mrauralization, cosmicembers, gchase, tempouser, sfxsource-com, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_092_Sugar_Smacks.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:13am EDT

The enormous metal sculpture of a woman's head floats in an expanse of water. Surrounded by fog, beneath cover of storm clouds, one man clings to the statue and faces a supernatural siren call.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: nachtmahrtv, tbsounddesigns, quedicemipez, eli-emmett, shatterstars, gigaura, jodybruchon, dudeawesome, owlstorm, inspectorj, oldguy67, youandbiscuitme, owl, duckduckpony, julius-galla, felfa, adough1, joelaudio, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_091_Suck_It_Up_Buttercup.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:32am EDT

At long last, Thomas sits down with the statue to see if his sound recorders will pick up any audible message from the sculpture of a woman's head. But the mission gets disrupted by an unexpected guest and a strange handwritten letter.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Magic Elvis performed by Adam McMillen.
Check out Adam's work at

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: tosha73, ienba, sjonas88, leonelmail, johnzwick45, samsterbirdies, spacejoe, usamah, jomse, alineaudio, alexbuk, inspectorj, nioczkus, harveyjnz, fabuafrica, alexmurphy53, ruonvniekerk, vate, youandbiscuitme, lebaston100 bewagne, lloydevans09, pushkin, adough1, halleck, jasonelrod, redjim, tweeterdj, pagancow, timbre, and Jovica.

Music by VYVCH and Lobo Loco.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_090_Skidoo.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:48am EDT

Thomas Edward M had a plan to pause his Slumberland work and travel to a job interview, but that plan gets canceled by a fresh batch of raging storms over the island. In the meantime, Thomas agrees to meet with longtime resident Lorde Logan, and give her copies of all the oral history recordings he's made so far. Lorde contributes her own tale, involving a close encounter with the Sandy Specter, long ago.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Samwell Plumsweater performed by Catty Donnelly
You'll enjoy Catty's creative work over at

Noel F. VanDerButz performed by PawPaw Greg Gidney
Hear more of Greg's work at SoundCloud

Lorde Logan performed by Lenore Hume
Visit Lenore's site at Lenore Hume

This episode pays tribute to the talents and career of Hillard "Sweet Pea" Atkinson

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: petebuchwald, clearwavsound, nomerodin1, leonelmail, samsterbirdies, craigsmith, kyles, dersuperanton, soundslikewillem, inspectorj, anthousai, savataivanov, amholma, owlstorm, kuvainraastaja, rambler52, evesecrets, klankbeeld, plasterbrain, cydon, karma-ron, kodack, omar-alvarado, lebaston100, foad, lezaarth, tomoyo-ichijouji, felix-blume, kastenfrosch, cosmicembers, shaka9, nlm, pushkin, floating-tree, juskiddink, mlestn1, robinhood76, j1987, sagetyrtle, lonemonk, freqman, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_089_Selective_Mutism.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:31am EDT

At a career crossroads in Slumberland, Thomas reflects on his early days as a freelance sound man. In New York City, seeking a mentor, young Thomas tracks down famed radio journalist Silas Tranzam. Thomas becomes his intern and begins a short but memorable stint assisting the brilliant but unconventional Tranzam. This trip down memory lane dredges up a shocking memory from Thomas's past, thanks to a sound recording recovered by Tranzam's niece, Lima.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Silas Tranzam performed by Catty Donnelly.
You'll enjoy Catty's creative work over at

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: tigersound, glaneur-de-sons, freqman, bassmatiker, redjim, mrwolf14, engreitz, lewk, snakemarney, xxqmanxx, burnsie289, unfa, symphoid, oddworld, morosopher, crater-rf, jason130178, laft2k, soundslikejoe, harrietniamh, caquet, ximian, splicesound, lwdickens, magedu, adam-n, bastard-fish, studenttanita, nakhas, widds, inspectorj, mixxythepixxy, vickyleao1, piggimon, danielbalcells, ivolipa, silentsrikez, alexbuk, reconsider59, aryanotstark, biawinter, nomfundo-k, grd-music, flood-mix, 14fvaltrovat, mariadrrs, blouhond, wlabarron, kyles, ittou, passerkirbius, gaelanw, petebarry, aviziv, profispiesser, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_088_Stammtisch.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:33am EDT

Thomas returns to the Community Dome and confronts a young woman named Lima Tranzam. She's traveled to Slumberland with a cassette tape that contains jarring revelations from Thomas's past.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Lima Tranzam performed by Sherrie Shan.
Check out Sherrie's awesome voice talents at her website.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: dj-burnham, pbickh1, stereostereo, cosmicembers, avakas, owlstorm, harrietniamh, spookymodem, sithjawa, mornedelport, iesp, mixxythepixxy, mariadrrs, benjamin152, kyles, aviziv, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_087_Sensitive_Snowflake.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:25am EDT

Thomas is flustered from discovering a strange woman sharing his temporary home. Since the house belongs to Oskar, Thomas calls him up and demands to know what's going on.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Oskar Mielardeaux performed by Nick Sleeper.
Hire Nick for your voice project at Fiverr.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: redjim, bennstir, originalmaja, aderumoro, yap audio production, barnface, inspectorj and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_086_Small_World.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:32pm EDT

Long ago, town founder Coyote carved a coded message into a rock. Determined to finish recording the story of that carved message, Thomas arrives at the town's Sip Zip Café. Owner Skip is full of caffeine and ready to tell the tale using a photo slide show!

More about Slumberland at this link.

Skip performed by Tim Sniffen.
You can hear Tim as the Mysterious Man on the fantasy improvised podcast, Hello From The Magic Tavern.
Find more of his work at

Simsala Del Becha performed by Melissa Medina.
Witness Melissa's amazing voice work at

Original music by Tim Clark.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: pagancow, pushtobreak, rettalo, superex1110, mkoenig, icesound, qubodup, soundslikewillem, satanicupsman, yoh, bone666138, zorrobms1001, mmaruska, kwahmah-02, jagadamba, nlm, bassboybg, zaneclampett, epicwizard, magnus589, domainhunter, blimp66, vovere, zziggystardust72, craigsmith, kyles, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_085_Slide_Show.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:49am EDT

Thomas needs a respite from his weird misadventures. The Supper Shack sounds like a good place to grab a bite. But Thomas is roped into a lively chat by Stella Pierce, the local pilot. Stella and Thomas have only spoken over radio, now it's time for a proper introduction and a beer.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: pagancow, martian, kyster, jpkweli, abouch, mohomran, inspectorj, zembacraftworks, robbeman and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_084_Sloop_Tom_B.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:38am EDT

In desperate need of healthy cell phone signal, Thomas rides with Rupert back to the time capsule. Rupert and his team work to widen the Community Garden's hatchway into the capsule. Meanwhile, Thomas phones a mentor from his past.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Yodel DuPrix performed by Jacquie Floyd

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: adough1, plingativator, timbahrij, lwdickens, inspectorj, danrules213, kyles, janrou, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_083_Sponsor.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:05am EDT

Thomas revives from the session with Alva Two that went very awry. Now it's time to learn much more about the woman once known as Simsala Del Becha.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: luffy, mystiscool, connum, robinhood76, voltae, benboncan, d-w, cameronmusic, allanz10d, sclolex, spookymodem, vitouliss, bareform, yottasounds, noisenoir, jergonda, sforsman, aderumoro, inspectorj, ali-6868, agc66, scorpion67890, drfx, blimp66, alineaudio, magdaadga, kinoton, ells, craigsmith, coral-island-studios, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_082_Simsalas_Tale.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:23pm EDT

In the middle of summer, Slumberland celebrates the winter holidays! A recording that Thomas discarded is presented to spread the holiday spirit. Come on down, the supper shack is decorated, frosty mugs are served and knit hats are required.

More about Slumberland at this link.

"On a Good Old Time Sleigh Ride" recorded 1913 by The Peerless Quartet.
Provided by and the Free Music Archive.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: Sunboy, amholma, inspectorj, kyster and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_081_Supplemental_5_Summer-Winter_Festival.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:20pm EDT

Alva Two runs out of journal entries written by his father, the late Alva One. However, within the pages of the journal books, Alva does come across an ominous entry written in jagged black ink.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Simsala Del Becha performed by Melissa Medina.
Witness Melissa's amazing voice work at

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: Duckduckpony, adough1, mario1298, julias-galla, vitouliss, bareform, foad, vladnegrila, dcsfx, inspectorj, toddcircle, wavjunction-com, petebarry, florian-reinke, ephemeral-rift, tymaue and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_080_Simsala_Del_Bechas_Last_Gasp.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:31pm EDT

Alva Two contributes to the Oral History Project by reading his father Alva One's journal entries. These are the 1940s war-era tales of how young Alva One got his glasses, met Phaedra Pierce, and the mysterious military man Coyote.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Alva One performed by Brian Dewan.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: Zesoundresearhinc, ftpalad, gusgus26, aliensitcog, modulationstation, adough1, davidbain, bewareofkites20, orginaljun, d-w, semccab, ramston, symphoid, ultradust, audionautics, altfuture, krisboruff, claire-h, monotraum, robinhood76, lezaarth, runey, jimimod, ekfink, spookymodem, maxwiley, bird-man, rudmer-rotteveel, squashy555, epicwizard, mickfire, btherad2000, craftport, berdusmith, inspectorj, amholma, margotdots, mc-minnaar, dcsfx, klankbeeld, the-bizniss, vithormoraes, julius-galla, inspectorj, micronmark, craigsmith, luzanne0, emilzendera98, arbernaut, bwarpus99, kyles, tieswijnen, dnaudio-uk, phreaksaccount, simon-rue, florian-reinke, Corsica_S, handfan, tymaue, tim-kahn, tigersound, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_079_Safety_Last.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:37am EDT

Thomas discovers a perplexing feature of the Slumberland time capsule: a Doomsday Clock and a spoken explanation for it recorded long ago by Alva One.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Alva One performed by Brian Dewan

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: adough1, ultradust, cydon, agfx, greekirish, inspectorj, dcsfx, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_078_Snooze_Button.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:14am EDT

Thomas is guided into Slumberland's time capsule by Walter Fustmensch, who reveals the "stele" -- a stone covered in carved, coded writings.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Walter Fustmensch performed by Jeff Priskorn.
Original music by Tim Clark.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: adough1, d-w, primeval-polypod, ultradust, richerlandtv, timbahrij, ryandarding95, soundatadm, redder01, inspectorj, passaimangrace, jsandvik, imjeax, supersound23, breviceps, timbre, j1987 and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_077_Stele.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:18am EDT

A mysterious man named Walter Fustmensch describes his simple daily routine on Slumberland Island.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Walter Fustmensch performed by Jeff Priskorn.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: rhumphries, kbnevel, duckduckpony, semccab, smartwentcody, vmgraw, rivernile7, davidjgurney, redjim, danelle, rynostols, inspectorj, nioczkus, leonelmail, jonnythedonkey, parkersenk, brendansound12, justinvoke, kyles, carrieedick, florian-reinke, legato87, harpoyume, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_076_Sinecure.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:24am EDT

A large metal sculpture of a mysterious woman's head -- this statue sits in a storage shed on Slumberland Island. How did it get there and where did it come from? These questions are explored by Oblivia Newton-Baum.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Oblivia Newton Baum performed by Julia C. Thorne
Bailey performed by Mark C. Holden
Phaedra Two performed by Erin King
Jennie Weather performed by Dr. Michelle Booze
Music courtesy of these artists: Timbre, Ars Sonor

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors rutgemuller, chimerical, ftpalad, vtkproductions, bansemer, dave-welsh, jakobthiesen, bone666138, gutek, microsome, deleted-user-44011 niedec, omar-alvarado, lwdickens, psychopancake, lonelmail, passairmangrace, vcspran, piggimon, djlprojects, inspectorj, leandri140029, bluedelta, florianreichelt, kyles, figowitz, atha89, cognito-perceptu, A43, cgeffex, bmaczero, juskiddink, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_075_Safety_Orange.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:42pm EDT

Thomas shows up for another unforgettable meeting with Oblivia Newton-Baum. This odd couple reenacts a classic bit of a radio interview gone awry.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Oblivia Newton Baum performed by Julia C. Thorne

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors filmfan87, pagancow, bewagne, lyndseymel, deleted-user-4401185, onlytheghosts, jvmorello, kyles, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_074_Supplemental_4_Singularly_Fruitless.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:30pm EDT

Jeepers MacGeepers records his oral history session -- a tale of a boy fleeing war-torn Europe, and a certain pigeon carrying a coded message.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Original music by Tim Clark.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors hugobeaumont, laurent, robinhood76, typonnegatywny, cheeseheadburger, gerardcatala, pawsound, blaukreuz, abcopen, mario1298, omar-alvarado, metrostock99 ahill86, stinkpit, xavimuse, johnnybecrafty, squashy555, geldart, ylearkisto, thisisminime, travesia-sonora, emanuele,-correani, martian, johannesschmidt, xiiisamples, kinoton, anthousai, inspectorj, timmeh515, 14gpanskavalachristoffer, debsound, craigsmith, mozfoo, sacredmatt, sonsdebarcelona, mkoenig, maj061785, nmscher, tigersound, cgeffex, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_073_Sea_Evacuees.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:23am EDT

Thomas ends a very long day dutifully filing the last of his recent recordings. But before sleep can be had, a late-night visitor has a few words to share.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors duckduckpony, jaklocke, amaud-coutancier, jay6waza, dcsfx, bennychico11, maj061785 and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_072_Syncytium_Island_Tales_Part_2.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:40pm EDT

Jeepers MacGeepers plays another old tape recording of a CLOUD performance. For extra spice he also dishes on the synthesizer he found as a boy, as well as a Pacific Island "shared dream" ceremony.

For more info please contact

Written, recorded and performed by Tom Mansell.


The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors pushkin, survivalbag, gurek, mboscolo, lex777, dee151, sandemotions, benjaminharveydesign, arnaud-coutancier, thisisminime, johnaudiotech, dr19, drummerman, amholma, redafs, krnash, inspectorj, apenguin73, andreas, and Jovica.

Thank you for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_071_Song_Cycle_2_Shared_Dream.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:41pm EDT

Jeepers MacGeepers plays an old tape recording of a music performance. The CLOUD band was a trio -- young Jeepers and his pals Noah Dahl and Jennie Weather.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors sandermotions and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_070_Song_Cycle_1_Sunder.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:32pm EDT

Stella Pierce is piloting her plane over Slumberland Island, searching for any clues related to the disappearance of Omar Evanston. Thomas and Jeepers listen to Stella's report over radio. Their meeting, atop the town's tallest hill, leaves them roasting in the summer sun.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors stintx, ftpalad, felipelnv, dheming, ahill86, phil25, kwahmah-02, omar-alvarado, freqman, cuddlenucks, jaklocke, zaneclampett, daveshu88, thisisminime, cabled-mess, timbre, stubb, baryy, sunnysidesound, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_069_Suspension.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:55am EDT

Thomas bravely records Doreen, Slumberland's crown curmudgeon. She tells a tale of trailers and old flames.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors klangfabrik, ecfike, robinhood76, abouch, thaighaudio, captainvince, jmheffries2, lebaston100, nikhill-Kumar, panetronik, epicwizard, pto8ss, wilhellboy, dieselsiselmedia, link-boy, aceinet, settings, galame, thealmughtyaound, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_068_Suckin_Air.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:27am EDT

Thomas finds himself face-to-face with a certain pot-banging, foul-mouthed resident of Slumberland in the town's dumping grounds.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors abouch, thaighaudio, jmjeffries2, coltures, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_067_Septic.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:37pm EDT

Following the late-night episode with Max MacGillicutty, Thomas reflects back on earlier in the day, when he visited Slumberland's trash heap to find his smashed rental car, plus some surprises.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors timbre, ramicio, qubodup, lemudcrab, abouch, vedas, ondrosik, coldwellw, everythingsounds, duckduckpony, jmjeffries2, kwahmah-02, omar-alvarado, youandbiscuitme, coltures, lwdickens, univ-lyon3, fisu, adam0n, anthousai, ceoux, passairmangrace, sevin7, martingunchev, masgame, amholma, airblock, mansardian, bosone, razzvio, turtlelg, reaktorplayer, juskiddink, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_066_Straight_Poop.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT

The antics of Thomas, Merlin, Dae'Yana, and Sir the robot lead to discovering a Zero Point Energy source -- whatever that means. But it's something very important to Maxima McGillicutty. So important, her eccentric father has arrived in Slumberland with special request for Thomas's help.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Special thanks to Jock Blaney, who performed Max McGillicutty. To experience more of Jock's astounding voice talent, visit and

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors juskiddink, robinhood76, timbre, soundbytez, numar, splicesound, pagancow, lxx-70, kijadzel, felix-blume. Timpryor, rsilveira-88, unfa, temawas, lwdickens, kvgarlic, johnaudiotech, dmaysta, mr-alden, vickyleao1, eflexthesounddesigner, stiffman, buzbe20, straget, benboncan, kerri and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_065_Special_Occasion.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:21pm EDT

The robot known as "Sir" makes some startling progress while doing maintenance on the Community Dome.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Alienistcog, pagancow, kastenfrosch, bewagne, system-fm, kwahmah-02, thearxx08, silentstrikez, Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_064_Side_Gig.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:20am EDT

Thomas returns to Slumberland's substation, where the mysterious power source for the Community Dome is getting tuned-up by the reactivated robot named "Sir."

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Sempoo, swelk, pagancow, kastenfrosch, timbre, abouch, zagi2, kwahmah-02, kvgarlic, rempen, bastard-fish, ivolipa, craftport frugt05, Jovica, zozzy, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_063_Sig_and_Stig.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:34pm EDT

Bethesda Pierce reads from the journal of her grandmother, Phaedra 1.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Bethesda Pierce performed by Sarah Rhea Werner.
Find more of Sarah's work at:

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Daxter31, ragamuffin, adough1, daboy291, cameronmusic, touchassembly, ripper351, blouhond, martinimeniscus, dasebr, timbre, robinhood76, wim, aglinder, jobel0092, rodincoil, anthousai, gadzooks tuig, dr19, sterfemy, klankbel, Jovica, kyles, robinhood76, adam320, razzvio, louigi-verona, jasonelrod, cgeffex and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_062_Solution.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Tasked by Oblivia to go collect more oral histories, Thomas meets yet another daughter of the Pierce clan. Bethesda is the eldest offspring and her personality is like a fountain of youthful energy.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Bethesda Pierce performed by Sarah Rhea Werner.
Find more of Sarah's work at:

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors tuben, blouhond, abouch, timbahrij, speedygonzo, onlytheghosts, kvgarlic, lunnaris, bastard-fish, rutgemuller, sgcardinal, xtyl33, maj061785, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_061_Senescence.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

Thomas is shocked. He's actually meeting Oblivia Newton-Baum. But there's no time for small talk. Oblivia holds a thick file of research she needs to contribute to the Oral History Project, even if it means spilling some details from her own troubled past.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors rutgermuller, aroth4, alvinwhatup2, usinggarageband, pagancow, corsica-s, mareproduction, keffystay, valetinsosnitskiy, timbahrij, onlytheghosts, redcheek, elektronaut, bastard-fish, vagaar, adam-n, dasgoat, patobottos, lzmraul, pulse00, twistedlemon, dig2008, xtyl33, Adam Wayne Gistarb, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_060_Shocks_and_Chakras.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:45pm EDT

Hear an old recording of Alva Pierce reading the 1897 holiday classic "Yes Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus."

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors splicesound, marineiguana, phonzz, jayfrosting, and Jovica.

"Sleigh Ride Party / Jingle Bells" by the Edison Male Quartette, recorded 1898 and provided by the Dawn of Sound website.

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Direct download: Slumberland_059_Supplemental_3_Santa_Claus.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:56pm EDT

Thomas meets a young town resident, Dae'Yana. The local poetry scene is up for discussion again.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors alienistcog, daboy291, pagancow, soundscape-leuphana, otisjames, speedygonzo, ndhfilms, worthahelp88, adam-n, silentsrikez, forthehorde68, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_058_Secondary.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:03am EDT

Day after day Thomas remembers something while he's taking a shower. But by the time he's done showering, he completely forgets it. Maybe a sound recorder can help.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors rhumphries, klankbeeld, hunter4708, sam-kaleja, othercee, btherad2000, eksaa, dcsx, pmbrowne, vovere, gallershades, amszala, mwlandi, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_057_Shower.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:47am EDT

Someone -- or something -- has slept for decades in a closet inside the community dome. Along comes Thomas Edward M, ready to make a new friend.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors kwahmah-02, thatmisfit, guitarguy1985, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_056_Sir.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:38am EDT

Thomas receives a very large postcard from Chyrsanthemum Jones.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Chrystanthemum Jones performed by Elsie Escobar.
Elsie is a podcasting veteran and Libsyn's podcaster happiness expert, producing and hosting The Feed: The Official Libsyn Podcast
Libsyn Blog

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors ecfike, d-w, klankbeeld and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_055_Snail_Mail.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:11am EDT

Beckett Pierce re-examines the 1876 poem "The Hunting of the Snark" by Lewis Carroll. She wonders if some clues to explain Omar Evanston's disappearance may be found in the text.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors ecfike, d-w, klankbeeld and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_054_Supplemental_2_Snark.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:54pm EDT

The tale of Badamo Del Becha on the Slumberland beach in the 1930s gets told again. This time from the very singular perspective of Delfina Del Becha.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Music: Rgrdlzz, Lostfrevr, Rlxnt, Prcsse by Ars Sonor.
Creative Commons

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors ecfike, d-w, klankbeeld, neonaeon, dave-welsh, mangiedog, alaskarobotics, timbre, jimimod, kwahmah-02, hunter4708, fillsoko, bassboybg, robinhood76, aglinder, goolistener, moltenmustafa, hykenfreak, rosebugg, elliottmoo, owlstorm, ali-6868, adam320, robinhood76, maj061785 and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_053_Secret_Oral_History.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:55pm EDT

Hear the final events leading to the origin of the Sandy Specter legend. Alva Pierce Jr tells the tale concerning Badamo Del Becha, two of his men and their stormy encounter with young Coyote in the 1930s.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors klankbeeld, neonaeon, dave-welsh, focusbay, timbre, hazure, speedenza, aglinder, ylearkisto, inspectorj, owlstorm, morganpurkis, spandau, jimbeaux, adam320, robinhood76, jpnien, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_052_Silent_Stranger.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:27pm EDT

Alva Two (Alva Pierce, Junior) arrives on the beach to pick up the Badamo Del Becha / Sandy Specter legend, where his old friend Davis left off the tale. The fates of Bryce and Carlsbad, the missing Suffer Ink bottles and more about Badamo's history are all revealed.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors klemp, scotchio, tuben, klankbeeld, melissapons, slag777, soundmary, lonemonk, yuval, zoltoks, nofeedbak, jimimod, squareal, cuddlenucks, paulmessier, sethlind, darcydunes, el-bee, blu-150058, visualasylum, adamgryu, moai15, inspectorj, tc630, darranambler, pastabra, volivieri, euphrosyyn, kmash, tcpp, jpnien, zappa-was-god, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_051_Seance_Fiction.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:01am EDT

Davis X. Mackinaw relates tales of the town's ghost legend, a malevolent spirit known as the Sandy Specter.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors lth-stp, duckduckpony, julien-matthey, klankbeeld, dave-welsh, snarfdude, lonemonk, owlstorm, yammerhant, squareal, splicesound, claudius, darcydunes, oldguy67, yadronoff, sagetyrtle, inspectorj, volivieri, bajko, euphrosyyn, rutgemuller, blaufreuz, superex1110, dobriode, roofdog, bennychico11, braffe2, markb, jpnien, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_050_Sandy_Specter.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:57am EDT

Thomas arrives at an isolated corner of Slumberland Island where Davis X. Mackinaw sweeps the beach with a special kind of metal detector. Davis records stories from when he was a boy and he and his friends were members of the Slumberland Scouts.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors dymewiz, klankbeeld, ignaciodinguez, duckduckpony, halleck, xtragamr, sithjawa and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_049_Scouts.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:02pm EDT

Thomas returns to the "Taos House" atop Slumberland's largest hill, where Jeepers MacGeepers holds his next instructions. A couple of other familiar voices also put in appearances.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors motion-S, eelke, jmjeffries2, rage91 and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_048_Set_Ups.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:12am EDT

Thomas gets sidetracked into meeting Maxima McGillicutty, heiress socialite and submersible pilot. Maxima's family has a long and strange history intertwined with Slumberland Island.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Rutgemuller, jmorrisoncafe330, zimbot, alienistcog, vtkproductions-com, safetyrtle, adough1, pagancow, klangfabrik, primeval-polypod, abouch, thaighaudio, soundmary, maisonsoniue, diboz, soltoks, sonicboom-sfx, zovex, gkillhour, aldenroth2, ryanharding95, jay6waza, soundatadm, soundslikellem, theboatman, scriotxstudios, jone-oost, hy96, jimbeaux, rock-savage, theredshore, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_047_Shipwrecks.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:03pm EDT

When last was heard about Oskar, he called to complain about a cursed wooden hand puppet that refused to let go of his arm. Now unconscious, and under house arrest, Oskar's friends enlist the help of Thomas Edward M.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors hotlavaman, ftpalad, joedeshon, knova, kylepyke, jaylew1987, redcheek, claudius, rodincoil, syntheway, dcsfx, 1san, mwlandi, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_046_Shaman.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:18am EDT

The Oral History session with town electrician Merlin Jebb. It's a fish tale partly told by song. Also includes a tour of Slumberland's substation. There's an ever-present hum in the building that annoys a sound man like Thomas Edward M. Also a mysterious green glowing power source, left running by the island's long-vanished resident genius, Stig Gorgonsdottir. His brother Sigmund once visited Slumberland and helped build the Community Dome. "Siggy" also left behind some data tapes.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors dariachic, pagancow, timbre, zott820, abouch, dapperaniel, martinimeniscus, runey, n-audioman, bastard-fish, studenttantia, ivolipa, luiiiiii, crafport, marissrar, jrhodesza, xtyl33, j1987, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_045_Sturgeon.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:37pm EDT

Thomas prepares for his next oral history session. Before heading off he learns of a new situation concerning the shell phones in Slumberland. After that, he bumps into Doreen. She's a colorfully off-color local with a keen sense of smell.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors noisecollector, ikbenraar, daboy291, letssfx, dapperdaniel, yuval, runey, jmeffries2, aglinder, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_044_Stink.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:29pm EDT

Jeepers plays Thomas a message left by a Slumberland woman named Sierra. An expert tracker, she goes off in search of Tango and the cassette tape he stole from Mr. Sound. What Sierra finds is both unexpected and unsettling.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors nfsgit, zbyhek, bradovic, klankbeeld, motion-s, ndhfilms, kwahmah, 33xtyl, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_043_Sierra.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:22am EDT

An old friend of Jeepers named Noah Dahl tells a rambling tale. It's everything he knows about the mysterious giant metal sculpture of a woman's head, now locked away on Slumberland Island. Noah connects the dots between a fake Statue of Liberty, bat droppings and a cargo cult.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors turkitron, joelaudio, daimon-zero, krytosss, kevint1001, klankbeeld, noisecollector, il112, soundmary, srrecords, maxwiley, owlstorm, transitking, guitaryguy1985, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_042_Syncytium_Island_Tales_Part_1.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:12am EDT

Thomas Edward M's health exam turns into an unexpected mission to find a hidden record album.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors ecfike, pagancow, klankbeeld, nickrave, srrecords, sinatra314, alaskarobotics, rivernile7, jaklocke, allanz10d, cmoms035, neohylanmay, iesp, timbre, and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_041_Subliminal.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:47pm EDT

Thomas is still recovering from recent strange events. Jeepers meets with him to apologize and also to give an explanation of "what is happening in our island community" and how Thomas may be part of events much larger than just the Oral History Project.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Ashfox, klankbeeld, ahill86, ndhfilms, luannwepener, sethroph, jasonelrod, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_040_Self-Fulfilling_Prophecy.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:15pm EDT

A pause in the events unfolding in Slumberland town. A reading of the short story by Ambrose Bierce, "The Difficulty of Crossing a Field."

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors foxen10, unfa, adamwaynegistarb, craftport and Jovica.

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Direct download: Slumberland_039_Supplemental.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:58pm EDT

A sudden reappearance by an old friend -- a REALLY old friend -- who spills the beans about Thomas's true purpose for being on Slumberland Island.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors pawsound, klankbeeld, jaklocke, oscaraudiogeek, sethroph, joelaudio, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_038_Spoiler_Alert.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:56pm EDT

Skip at the Zip Sip Hooray Cafe records a story.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors anneswannerberger, corsica-s, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_037_Submission.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:36pm EDT

Thomas finds the oral history session with Phaedra Pierce takes a very unexpected turn thanks to: 1) a prophetic journal kept by (a different) Phaedra Pierce, and 2) a time capsule within a time capsule.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Ecfike, safetyrtle, martinimeniscus, thecityrings, bradovic, owlstorm, jimimod, squashy555, adamwaynegistarb, ndhfilms, aglinder, rodincoil, kvgarlic, lampeight, worthahep88, sinjohnt, natemarler, j-zazvurek, atha89, jaide714, cgeffex, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_036_Site_Visit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:53am EDT

A mysterious young woman leaves a recorded message in the sound booth built by Thomas Edward M.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Spenceomatic, d-w, susychristiansen, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_035_Squeezebox.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:32pm EDT

Thomas records a session with Chrysanthemum Jones -- she reveals details behind the histories of three men she knew while growing up on Slumberland Island: 1) Uncle Omar, the astronaut werewolf. 2) Stig Gorgonsdottir, genius school teacher, and 3) Magic Elvis.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Chrysanthemum Jones performed by Elsie Escobar.
Elsie is a podcasting veteran and Libsyn's podcaster happiness expert, producing and hosting The Feed: The Official Libsyn Podcast
Libsyn Blog

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Ftpalad, eelke, unchazz, adam-n, melissapons, irad, avouch, readeonly, klankbeeld, snarfdude, jimimod, nebulousflynn, Kyles, joelaudio, kyster, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_034_Stomps_and_Haunts.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

Thomas receives an odd shell phone call and has a close encounter at Oskar's house.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Kyster, stondi, gowlermusic, harrietniamh, luiiiiii, kemitix, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_033_Surveillance.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:29pm EDT

Thomas and Rupert Nevins drive to a Quonset hut to pick up the wooden pieces for assembling the do-it-yourself recording sound booth. Also inside the Quonset hut, is something that catches Thomas's attention.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Alvinwhatup2, martinimeniscus, freesoundjon01, eelke, hintringer, zaneclampett, robinhood76, loveburd, rambler52, kemitix, bsung88, kineticturtle, meatleg, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_032_Statuesque.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:19pm EDT

Thomas wakes up in an unfamiliar place, with a familiar face.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Nebulousflynn, ccrev, robinhood76, sturmankin, ermine, thisisminime, rambler52, setroph, freqman, sacredmatt, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_031_Sleeping_Man.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:31am EDT

Helena Pierce leaves Thomas on his own to explore a hallway in Underland, the underground level of the town. The sparsely-lit hallway reveals a few curiosities.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Rutgemuller, qubodup, alaskarobotics, timbahrij, onlytheghosts, portwain, bdunis4, bastard-fish, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_030_Subterranean.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:08am EDT

A recording session with another Pierce sister -- this time it's Helena -- and she talks about the large community gardens behind the Pierce family's home. Helena tells a story that reveals what lies beneath the gardens, as well.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Huggy13ear, kastenfrosch, sunboy, timbre, electroviolence, adamwaynegistarb, kvgarlic, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_029_Sisterhood.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:19pm EDT

Before heading to bed Thomas finds himself having an unexpected conversation and learns more about Bonzo and his shell phone project on Slumberland Island.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Delfina Del Becha performed by Kim Kreuzwieser.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors Snapper4298, skeetmasterfunk69, glaneur-de-sons, Jovica.

Thank you for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_028_Shell_Phone.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:24pm EDT

Thomas receives an update from his client, Oskar, who's been struggling with the cursed hand puppet stuck on his arm.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors housed1j, hoerspielwerkstatt-hef and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_027_Shock_Puppet.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:11pm EDT