
Tasked by Oblivia to go collect more oral histories, Thomas meets yet another daughter of the Pierce clan. Bethesda is the eldest offspring and her personality is like a fountain of youthful energy.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Bethesda Pierce performed by Sarah Rhea Werner.
Find more of Sarah's work at:

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors tuben, blouhond, abouch, timbahrij, speedygonzo, onlytheghosts, kvgarlic, lunnaris, bastard-fish, rutgemuller, sgcardinal, xtyl33, maj061785, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_061_Senescence.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST