
At a career crossroads in Slumberland, Thomas reflects on his early days as a freelance sound man. In New York City, seeking a mentor, young Thomas tracks down famed radio journalist Silas Tranzam. Thomas becomes his intern and begins a short but memorable stint assisting the brilliant but unconventional Tranzam. This trip down memory lane dredges up a shocking memory from Thomas's past, thanks to a sound recording recovered by Tranzam's niece, Lima.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Silas Tranzam performed by Catty Donnelly.
You'll enjoy Catty's creative work over at

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: tigersound, glaneur-de-sons, freqman, bassmatiker, redjim, mrwolf14, engreitz, lewk, snakemarney, xxqmanxx, burnsie289, unfa, symphoid, oddworld, morosopher, crater-rf, jason130178, laft2k, soundslikejoe, harrietniamh, caquet, ximian, splicesound, lwdickens, magedu, adam-n, bastard-fish, studenttanita, nakhas, widds, inspectorj, mixxythepixxy, vickyleao1, piggimon, danielbalcells, ivolipa, silentsrikez, alexbuk, reconsider59, aryanotstark, biawinter, nomfundo-k, grd-music, flood-mix, 14fvaltrovat, mariadrrs, blouhond, wlabarron, kyles, ittou, passerkirbius, gaelanw, petebarry, aviziv, profispiesser, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_088_Stammtisch.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:33am EST