
Max MacGillicutty, the eccentric rich dude and quasi-resident of Slumberland, once again calls upon Thomas Edward M to sit with him, throw back a few, and listen to head-spinning yarns. The tales told this time around, center upon Max's ancestor in the 1860s. A man named Hexray Peeperman. Entrepreneur, war hero, inventor, and creator of "Notions and Fashions," a book which many consider to be the Sears and Roebuck of sword and sorcery. But it's best if Max explains what exactly that means.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Max MacGillicutty performed by Jock Blaney
Ella Minnow Pierce performed by Jessica Syratt

To experience more of Jock's astounding voice talent, visit and

Follow Jessica Syratt on twitter “Nowhere, On Air”

Music by Blue Dot Sessions

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: vartian, alex-fullam, postproddog, eeeeeeeeeeeeila, garuda1982, mattruthsound, opticaillusions, neospica, 16fthumaf, cmix, ericlichtenberg, vartian, inspectorj, michorvath, flechabr, anthousai, bastard-fish, onlytheghosts, apocbot, klankbeeld, richardemoore, adeluc4, ftpalad, thoschi, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_094_Sears_Roebuck_of_Sword_and_Sorcery.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:35am EST