
Tonight at the Slippery Shanty, Buddy Friday Junior and Tomas Anonymous try to help their pal Captain Delmar Silverfish. The Captain's in bad shape due to drinking a mysterious concoction known as "Fish Eye Serum." Buddy tells tales of his high seas adventures with Captain Silverfish and the origins of the mysterious drink.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Michael Lanier performs the role of Buddy Friday Junior and also performs the original shanty "Royal Blue Vinegaroons"
Please sing along using the lyrics included in these show notes!
And please listen to Michael's other music on

The drink recipe featured in this episode is courtesy of its author, Kaci Hansen "The Homicidal Homemaker."
Please please PLEASE visit the blog, and also try out Kaci's recipes!
Link to the Jelly Shot recipe!

Songs by Fields Ohio appear courtesy the creative commons license CC BY-SA 4.0
Purchase Fields Ohio music at Bandcamp
Winter Séance in Linden // Floating Down Iuka Ravine // Always Dreaming of Sandusky Bay // Lift the Tides Off of Ashland
from the album "Our Paper Hearts Drift In Tunnels To Sleep In Little Boxes Under Ohia Seas"

Royal Blue Vinegaroons
I'll tell you of a pirate crew
Who famously were all insane
Their sailing ship was made of anchors
They had a most peculiar name

Royal Blue Vinegaroons
The first mate was a trained baboon
They ate doubloons and drank spittoons
Royal Blue Vinegaroons

Them scalawags had hooks for hands
And some had wooden pegs for legs
Their captain had the worst prosthetic
He used a starfish for his head

Royal Blue Vinegaroons
A goofy crew of true buffoons
Their weapons were balloons and spoons
Royal Blue Vinegaroons

Royal Blue Vinegaroons
If they return it won't be soon
They got marooned upon the moon
Royal Blue Vinegarooooons!

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: barbamiz, julien-matthey, iwiploppenisse, slave2thelight, shorthopper, dzcozamanis, rivenile7 simosco, beansqueso31, bevibeldesign, tchild, mixtus, pflangian, inspectorj, stubb, straget, 14fpanska, solarphasing, juandamb, kiijaz, jentlemen, dersuperanton, amaud-coutancier, inchadney, kyles, nielsvdb, eyenorth, theresabtrits, phonosupf, bojan_t95, miksmusic, mincedbeats, owstu, h2p34, brunoboselli, newlocknew, strangehorizon, cmusounddesign, A43, twiggles.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_113_Slippery_Shanty_Fish_Eye_Serum.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:13am EST