
What inspired Tomas Anonymous to create the metal cube sculpture titled "Coyote's Vox Box?" Tomas visits his sculpture in Slumberland's Memorial Garden while he tells this story, which involves a mysterious book known as The Acronymicon.

More about Slumberland at this link.

Songs by Fields Ohio appear courtesy the creative commons license CC BY-SA 4.0
Purchase Fields Ohio music at Bandcamp
Winter Séance in Linden // Down and Out On 9th and High //
from the album "Our Paper Hearts Drift In Tunnels To Sleep In Little Boxes Under Ohia Seas"

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: rutgemuller, aarongnp, rkeato, d-w, burnsie289, pagancow, sunboy, simpsi, hank_richard, mario1298, vumseplutten1709, mangiedog, abbahoot, dj-chronos, thebrendanbrown, sophiehall3535, hoerpspielwerkstatt-hef, inspectorj, marissrar, patobottos, waveplaysfx, australopithecusman, forthehorde68, 14gpanskavalachristoffer, jomse, emilzendera98, kyles, jovica, mike_leister, psychetorics, nox_sound, taure, nomiqbomi, kawgrim, messyacousticapocalypse666, sagetyrtle, rondomat, A43.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_114_The_Acronymicon.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:27am EST