
An old friend of Jeepers named Noah Dahl tells a rambling tale. It's everything he knows about the mysterious giant metal sculpture of a woman's head, now locked away on Slumberland Island. Noah connects the dots between a fake Statue of Liberty, bat droppings and a cargo cult.

More about Slumberland at this link.

The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors turkitron, joelaudio, daimon-zero, krytosss, kevint1001, klankbeeld, noisecollector, il112, soundmary, srrecords, maxwiley, owlstorm, transitking, guitaryguy1985, and Jovica.

Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland!

Direct download: Slumberland_042_Syncytium_Island_Tales_Part_1.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:12am EST