Mon, 29 January 2024
What inspired Tomas Anonymous to create the metal cube sculpture titled "Coyote's Vox Box?" Tomas visits his sculpture in Slumberland's Memorial Garden while he tells this story, which involves a mysterious book known as The Acronymicon. More about Slumberland at this link. Songs by Fields Ohio appear courtesy the creative commons license CC BY-SA 4.0 The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: rutgemuller, aarongnp, rkeato, d-w, burnsie289, pagancow, sunboy, simpsi, hank_richard, mario1298, vumseplutten1709, mangiedog, abbahoot, dj-chronos, thebrendanbrown, sophiehall3535, hoerpspielwerkstatt-hef, inspectorj, marissrar, patobottos, waveplaysfx, australopithecusman, forthehorde68, 14gpanskavalachristoffer, jomse, emilzendera98, kyles, jovica, mike_leister, psychetorics, nox_sound, taure, nomiqbomi, kawgrim, messyacousticapocalypse666, sagetyrtle, rondomat, A43. Thank YOU for listening to Slumberland! |